Jag följer Carbsane på fejsbook och hon skrev ett inlägg för ett tag sen som var riktigt chockerande. Om du, Hemul, inte tycker att det är OK att lägga här så får du ta bort det. Det handlar alltså om att JM står åtalad för
. Jag är osäker på vad det skulle motsvara i Sverige så jag försöker inte översätta det. CS har lagt till bilder som hon refererar till men de vet jag inte hur jag skulle kunna lägga till här men i texten finns länkar till officiella sajter där det står att han blivit anklagad om man vill kolla källor.
I gave quite a bit of consideration whether to post about this or not. Whether to do so publicly or not. As you can see I made the decision in favor.
In September of 2019, Jimmy Moore took a six month "sabbatical" from his "work". As long breaks from what he did for a living went, the timing probably couldn't have been worse. He wasn't exactly thriving and many of his former co-hosts, friends and followers had jumped ship of LLVLC. Ostensibly this break was to sort out and finally heal from the failed embryo adoption and get away from all of the online negativity heaped on his victim self.
Jimmy promised total social media silence. He broke that silence about half way through with an update. Pretending to be his "team" posting for him, it wasn't going as planned. He would pop up again, and again, and again. Speaking in the third person. There was oddly no mention of his wife. Before "officially" returning on March 1, 2020 he announced they had separated.
It would appear this break up was in the works since some time in the fall, and perhaps the underlying reasons are more clear after events of recent days.
When Jimmy came back, he was again sporting the odd "Just for Men" look, complete with eyebrow dye job (
https://www.instagram.com/p/B7yaHWSgOhl/?igshid=bdfk4mh4or10) . Claiming massive muscle and strength gains (pre-return
https://www.instagram.com/p/B73NUAjgcnt/) , and trying out a whole new persona: Jimmy Moore, The Man of Real. He would be shifting his focus to talk about childhood trauma, repressed memories of which had apparently bubbled up during the sabbatical.
To say this rebrand as Man of Real didn't catch on would be a massive understatement. But he's kinda sorta stuck with it. He blames the panda micky for his faltering brand or whatever you would call it. He was basically ousted from the online cliques that serve as the "keto community", and nobody really showed much if any interest in his incessant "it's not the calories" biohacking experiments. All along he continues to lie about everything, ate like a circus clown, derided anyone eating carbs, and insisted he's healthy at his weight (leaving nothing to the imagination posting images in his skivvies) kept climbing.
Then the mugshot came across my Twitter yesterday (I don't use it much and didn't realize I wasn't logged in after my last phone update). His last IG post had been on the 22nd so many were thinking it had to be a joke to explain his sudden absence. After all, he had only days before announced that he is going to rebrand discussing mental health (and childhood trauma) as @mindmattersmoore, and say sayonara to the keto community and @livinlowcarbman.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CdsstRhAv4z/But it didn't take long to confirm on the official Spartanburg SC website, that he had, indeed, been arrested on May 23.
http://www.spartanburgsheriff.org/bookings/booked90.xmlIn checking for this post, he is now shown as released on May 31, but by all indications, he is no longer a "fugitive from justice", but got a free ride to Virginia where he faces multiple counts of statutory rape involving an individual or individuals aged 13-14 on
Originally I presumed it might be divorce/alimony related, but when his only remaining collaborator, Brittany Lee posted what she did on her social media, it became clear it was serious. Cutting all ties with Jimmy and cryptically indicating that he had done something very egregious without saying what.
I am posting this because it is a matter of PUBLIC record. Knowing the states he visits/visited for family etc. (his ex wife Christine's family is in Virginia, no knowledge of whether or not a family member is involved), I searched a few databases, and ... Jimmy Moore is currently incarcerated in Virginia.
https://eapps.courts.state.va.us/ocis/landing (you have a lot of scrolling to do there on the statewide search, so once there was a hit, this link is better:
http://ewsocis1.courts.state.va.us/CJISWeb/circuit.jsp , Henrico Circuit Court)
There are 7 cases/counts, and I screenshot one of them. They are all for the same Charge: CARNAL KNOW 13-14Y W/O FORCE
Code Section: 18.2-63
https://law.lis.virginia.gov/.../chapter4/section18.2-63/It seems the victim(s?) must have came forth recently, as the VA charges are rather recent: all filed on 5/16/2022. VA doesn't mess around reeling child rapists (alleged) in. There are three separate dates of offense: 9/1/2019, 11/23/2019 and 12/1/2019.
So over a period of a few months at the beginning of his sabbatical. Months in which, I might add, he broke silence to update had been tumultuous with revelations of childhood abuse -- much when he was the age in question for these charges. How sick an individual do you have to be to do this???.
There is no further information available at this time. I'm sure more will come as this goes to trial.
Jimmy Moore turned 48 in December of 2019.
So there you have it. The sick feeling I have is that this guy has often given off creeper vibes and I can't imagine these were never noticed by his wife or people he met, who read his words, listened to his rantings, etc.
His podcast with a late 20s female "best friend" -- married with children (3?) -- was uneasily icky enough, but she's an adult. You know when you learn of things like this, the response is either "no way", or "I'm not surprised". The latter was my reaction. Indeed my personal opinion is such that I would be shocked if he wasn't guilty.
This makes his rebranding all the more disgusting. Where on earth do you get off blaming your situation on childhood trauma, all the while having just recently exploited and created such trauma for another child? SICK. I doubt this was a first. I hope the VA justice system makes sure it's the last.