« Svara #105 skrivet: 2016.10.30 - 21:19:17 » |
Är du "på insidan"?
neoLITE STFU & MYFA – Post cenam non stare sed mille passus meare
« Svara #106 skrivet: 2016.10.30 - 21:45:26 » |
Jag är ordförande i föreningen VVF!
« Svara #107 skrivet: 2016.11.01 - 20:33:44 » |
JM har pratat med doktor Westman för att få en förklaring till de höga blodsockervärdena efter hans måltid häromdagen It's Day 14 of my 21-day #fasting experiment and I've got some fascinating news to share today. First, I spoke with my friend Dr. Eric Westman regarding that higher blood glucose after eating the #ketogenic meal at the end of Day 12. He explained my body was so efficiently fat burning that the glucose had nowhere to go until it could be used with new red blood cells and other glucose-dependent functions in the body. Now that the blood sugar is down in the 80's again, that glucose has been used. And more fat burning and #ketone production continues! Second, even with the one meal, I've still lost over 22 pounds in two weeks! Dessutom får han frågan om muskelnedbrytning kan bidra till det högre blodsocker fatissmartfuelHey Jimmy, I haven't heard this discussed... sorry if we missed it! During fasting does breakdown of muscle protein cause increases in blood glucose due to gluconeogenesis? Is that a factor at all?
livinlowcarbman@fatissmartfuel We address this in our book and the answer is very minimally. When you have extra stored body fat, it uses that for fuel preferentially over muscle. Muscle wasting wouldn't happen until your stored body fat is well under 4%.
NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat
« Svara #108 skrivet: 2016.11.01 - 20:38:55 » |
Och rapport från dag 15. I'm nearing the end of my 15th day of #fasting now with just one meal at the end of day twelve. Blood and breath #ketones are still going strong indicating outstanding fat-burning is happening inside my body as #insulin levels have dropped healing years of #insulinresistance little by little.
As I've previously explained, the higher #bloodsugar is not a concern because it's not from something I ingested since I'm not eating anything at all right now. It came from my body releasing fat stores where #sugar is stored and now being released into the bloodstream. Redigerat och tillagt One interesting thing that I shared during this update today, where my blood ketones were still doing EXCELLENT showing great fat-burning with slightly higher blood sugar indicating insulin resistance healing is happening, was that it took nearly three days for me to eliminate after that meal on midday last Friday. Keep in mind I hadn't eaten for 12 days prior to that, so I guess that's not surprising at all. I just found it interesting.
NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat
« Svara #109 skrivet: 2016.11.01 - 21:14:26 » |
Jösses. Re dr Westman, glukosen som inte har någonstans att ta vägen, var kommer den ifrån? Är han också inne på dolda sockerrerver som listigt gömmer sig i flubbet?
« Svara #110 skrivet: 2016.11.01 - 21:16:35 » |
Börjar likna bondfångeri det här va? Eller det har det väl gjort länge.
« Svara #111 skrivet: 2016.11.02 - 10:52:59 » |
Återkommer återigen till min "iakttagelse" att han är en så fullfjädrad "fat-burner" att han tydligen nästan helt förlorat förmågan att förbränna glukos. Man får intrycket av att detta uppfattas av Westman/Moore som någonting fullt naturligt, eller t.o.m. önskvärt...
Jaja, någon gång skall väl polletten ramla ner för mig också så jag får se ljuset - the moment when Keto Clarity hits you in the head... Looking forward!
neoLITE STFU & MYFA – Post cenam non stare sed mille passus meare
« Svara #112 skrivet: 2016.11.02 - 17:57:02 » |
Dag 16 - Varför fasta är bättre än ALLA andra dieter We're heading into the home stretch of my 21-day #fasting experiment with this update after sixteen days with just one cup of bone broth with sea salt and one meal at the end of Day 12. One question that pops up when I'm fasting is why #lowcarb, #ketogenic, #vegan, #Paleo or any other diet wouldn't produce similar positive health results that I'm seeing with fasting. Great question! The main thing that handcuffs diets is they have so many rules to follow that make them difficult for many to follow. Plus, there's the expense, the time, the routine, and more to deal with when you are dieting. When you're on a fast, there are no rules (other than JUST DON'T EAT!), no expenses (I've saved over $100 in food bills since starting this fast), have more time to get stuff done since I'm not eating...I could go on and on.
Obviously when you do decide to start eating again, choose whatever nutritional approach works best for you. For me, that's a low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet. Combining #keto with fasting is my best option for optimizing my #health and I'm happy to be sharing my journey with you guys. https://www.instagram.com/p/BMTvaJUABwD/?taken-by=livinlowcarbman
NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat
« Svara #113 skrivet: 2016.11.02 - 18:11:11 » |
Men säger han inte att han inte klarar av att följa reglerna när han "bara" lowcarbar? Då undrar man ju på vilket sätt han bryter mot dem. Sitter han i garderoben och svullar Twinkies eller vadå? I så fall kan man ju förstå var all den där glukosen kommer ifrån.
« Svara #114 skrivet: 2016.11.02 - 18:50:08 » |
jag tror han menar att han är så förskräckligt insulin resistent att även om han äter "perfekt" så får han högt blodsocker och insulin. It's da protein, ya know!
NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat
« Svara #115 skrivet: 2016.11.02 - 19:07:21 » |
One question that pops up when I'm fasting is why #lowcarb, #ketogenic, #vegan, #Paleo or any other diet wouldn't produce similar positive health results that I'm seeing with fasting. Great question! The main thing that handcuffs diets is they have so many rules to follow that make them difficult for many to follow.
Först pratar han specifikt om sig själv. Sen övergår han till mer generella termer och förklarar orskerna till varför "man" misslyckas. Det ena följer dock på det andra, jag kan inte tolka det på nåt annat sätt. Om det är avsiktligt eller inte, det vet jag inte. Fasta funkar för det gör det svårare att fuska (omedvetet) och det är förklaringen till varför han inte lyckas så bra på low carb.
« Svara #116 skrivet: 2016.11.02 - 22:20:24 » |
Han snackar så mycket att alla inklusive han själv blir snurriga i mössan... jag gillar särskilt det där med sockerfickor insprängda i fettväven - där snackar vi nyheter! Åtminstone har inte jag hört talas om det fenomenet förut...
neoLITE STFU & MYFA – Post cenam non stare sed mille passus meare
« Svara #117 skrivet: 2016.11.04 - 11:36:37 » |
Han snackar så mycket att alla inklusive han själv blir snurriga i mössan... jag gillar särskilt det där med sockerfickor insprängda i fettväven - där snackar vi nyheter! Åtminstone har inte jag hört talas om det fenomenet förut...
Man lär sig nåt nytt varje dag
NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat
« Svara #118 skrivet: 2016.11.04 - 11:45:24 » |
Nu har JM ätit ytterligare ett mål mat. Jag reagerar lite på att han äter så mycket efter att ha fastat 6 dagar sen förra måltiden. Tre hamburgare stekta i smör, ost, bostongurka, majonäs och pilinötter för som han uttrycker det "ease my body into eating". Att han inte får magknip! I set out a few weeks back to #fast for 21 days in a row as my goal. But you realize #fasting isn't about goals or rules (other than "just don't eat") once you get into doing it. The reality is you become more in tune with your body and respond accordingly when it sends you certain signals. And just as it did my body at the end of the Day 12, in Day 18 I got the signal it was time to eat something. And, guys, that's okay. When you need to end or pause the fast, that's what you do. Just like I did when I ate previously, I had ONE MEAL and then got right back to fasting again. That one meal was three hamburgers cooked in grass-fed butter, cheddar cheese, sugar-free pickle relish, and coconut oil mayonnaise with pili nuts to ease my body into eating. It was a lot of food, but it had been six days since my previous meal.
I wanted to see what effect this meal was having on my blood sugar and blood ketone (fat-burning) levels at 30-minute intervals post-prandial. The results are what you see in the readings here (top left is 30 minutes, top right is 60 minutes, second to top left is 90 minutes, second to top right is 120 minutes...so forth and so on for four hours of testing). Most fascinating to me is how fat-burning was never lost despite eating. Yes, my meal was very low-carb, high-fat, but any food consumption of that size will tend to bring ketones down--but mine went UP indicating efficient use of fat for fuel. Yes, the blood glucose was up post-meal, but that's not unexpected and not really harmful in the context of the excellent ketone levels. This is all fascinating stuff! https://www.instagram.com/p/BMYepYrAGs-/?taken-by=livinlowcarbman
NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat
« Svara #119 skrivet: 2016.11.04 - 13:33:00 » |
Tre hamburgare stekta i smör, ost, bostongurka, majonäs och pilinötter för som han uttrycker det "ease my body into eating".