Den större mängden kalorier i tillagad mat måste ju komma från att den tappar vatten annars känns det som en fysikalisk omöjlighet om man verkligen äter samma mängd mat.
Kate Bowman tar upp lite hur vi ändrat vårt sätt att äta mat och hennes podcast kompis säger så här
D: So as you know, we talked about earlier – or late last year, I wanted to go see an Ayurvedic practitioner. So I did, in January, and she told me all sorts of very interesting things, but the most important thing that she impressed was the most important was: chew your food. And I’m like, yeah, I do. And she’s like, “No. You have to chew your food, until it’s liquid paste.” Well, okay, that takes forever.
K: You’re like, all this movement!
D: All this movement, and I came from a family where everyone really wolfed their food down, you know. We ate so quickly. I really had to concentrate, and then it took a couple weeks to get into the grind of it. (ding!) It’s crazy – since I started chewing my food, like, it takes me forever to finish a meal. I’m the old person at the table; I’m just chewing and chewing and chewing and chewing. I have lost 16 pounds since mid-January. Just freaking chewing my food. I mean, it all starts in the mouth.
Vi tycker ofta om olika texturer i mat, en krispig yta, men vi tuggar ju egentligen inte maten så länge. Kate pratar (men man kan också läsa podcasten på länken nedan) om hur amning tränar barnets tunga (8 muskler) och hur vi påverkas om vi inte får den träningen.