Hittade en länk till en sida med Work In Progress eller nästan innan WIP
TaterTot är med i en studie där man försöker kolla på variationer i tarmfloran.
Man vet att friska människor har olika uppsättningar bakterier och de varierar hela tiden beroende på vad man äter.
Länken går till en sida där folk har kunnat ställa frågor till forskaren som utför studien.
There's a lot of person-to-person variation in the gut microbiota among apparently healthy people – are all these variant communities equally healthy, or are some of them contributing to health problems that just haven't shown up yet? There's also variation in the gut microbiota of a single person from day to day, month to month, year to year, and we don't completely understand why. How can we tell what changes are normal variation in a healthy gut microbiota, and what changes mark a shift towards an unhealthy state? And even when we think we can recognize the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy gut microbiota, how do we set about protecting the healthy version or altering the unhealthy version? What are the factors that contribute to the resilience, or lack of resilience, in the community?