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Vi har förstått att kostråden är alldeles galna. För mycket kolhydrater och för lite naturligt fett gör oss sjuka. Gifter och tillsatser gör oss sjukare.
Vi vill äta naturlig, näringsrik och opåverkad mat.

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Författare Ämne: Female Hormone Solution  (läst 2932 gånger)
0 Medlemmar och 1 gäst tittar på detta ämne.

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Antal inlägg: 1721

« skrivet: 2015.01.30 - 21:21:38 »

Jag har anmält mig till ett sånt där webbseminarie om Female Hormone Solution (Fritt mellan den 1 - 10 februari)

När man anmäler sig får man tillgång till lite extra material och den första är en intervju med en Dr. Libby, Nutritional Biochemist.
Man kan kolla på det som video eller läsa det som PDF på 19 sidor. Hon har mycket intressant att säga om stress och adrenal fatigue.
Nedan har jag kopierat ett avsnitt om näring och varför balansen mellan olika ämnen är viktig.

So here’s a simple example for a description of how that works. Inside of us “Substance X” has to be turned into “Substance Y”. And then “Substance Y” is going to be turned into “Substance Z” and on and on those conversions will go. But for “Substance X” to turn into “Substance Y”, maybe we need magnesium and vitamin B6 and if you are deficient in either one or all of those nutrients, those reactions won’t occur efficiently. And “Substance X” will start to accumulate and you won’t have enough “Substance Y” o “Substance Z”.
And maybe when you have the right amount of “Substance X”, there is no problem. But maybe when it starts to increase, it behaves more like a poison for the human body. And maybe, now that you are not making enough “Substance Y”, maybe you need it for restorative sleep, or a happy, even, calm, contented mood. Maybe you need it to be able to use body fat as a fuel.
In other words when we become deficient in nutrients there are consequences to that. But unfortunately there is no red flag that flies up and says – hello! You do not have enough magnesium and vitamin B6 today and you really need to focus on getting plenty of that because you’ve got “X” accumulating and not enough of “Y”. That doesn’t happen. What happens is that we just have the edge taken off very gradually; the edge taken off our energy, our vitality, our happiness, and our whole quality of life. People start to wake up fatigued or experience periods of fatigue over the day. And unfortunately when we wake up fatigued, no one sits up and thinks am I getting enough nutrients? People thin they must have a deficiency of caffeine.
Slowly over time our intake of nutrients decreases, whether it’s because we are relying on more and more processed and take away foods, or because, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer nutrients in our soil and if the nutrients aren’t in our soils they can’t be in our food. So however it is we are getting fewer nutrients, it impacts the efficiency on these biochemical reactions going on inside of us.

Låter det intressant kan man anmäla sig till eventet här

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