Matt Stone har summerat sitt intresse för näring och dieter och han har helt klart självinsikt med de inledande orden:
This is going to be an episode of the pot calling the kettle “black” of unprecedented proportion.Sen kommer hans insikt som jag igen mig själv lite i även om jag långt ifrån läst lika mycket som vad han gjort:
At the end of the lengthy tunnel of dietary perfection, which I feel I have reached after meticulously reading over 300 books on the subject, hundreds of blogs, and thousands of articles and studies, lies nothing. Absolutely nothing. It’s empty.
There really is no food that doesn’t have drawbacks or downsides. There is no diet that doesn’t have serious limitations and dangers. Eating itself damages our bodies. Not eating damages it even more. Och så slutklämmen:
Reconnect with eating recreationally. Or as I say again and again…
Eat the Food!