Och USDA (COmposition of foods) säger så här. De anger carbs by difference. Med by difference avser de:
How is Carbohydrate, by difference determined?
Carbohydrate is determined as the difference between 100 and the sum of the percentages of water, protein, total lipid (fat), ash, and, when present, alcohol. Total carbohydrate values include total dietary fiber.
Total carbohydrate by difference = 100 - [water, protein, total lipid, ash and alcohol in g/100g]
Om man då räknar bort
dietary fiber får man värdet inom parentes:
hasselnötter, rostade 17,6 (8,2)
valnötter 13,71 (7,0)
jordnötter 21,51 (13,5)
mandel 21,67 (9,4)