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Vi har förstått att kostråden är alldeles galna. För mycket kolhydrater och för lite naturligt fett gör oss sjuka. Gifter och tillsatser gör oss sjukare.
Vi vill äta naturlig, näringsrik och opåverkad mat.

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Författare Ämne: Resistent stärkelse  (läst 212728 gånger)
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« Svara #240 skrivet: 2015.01.10 - 09:45:56 »

I RNs inlägg Resistent Starch Primer for Newbies så kommer det fortfarande intressanta kommentarer. Speciellt inläggen från Wilbur och Tatertot om olika sorters fibrer är väldigt lärorika men även inläggen från Gemma och Stuart+Mather ger en hel del bra info. Det är långt men det är som sagt mycket intressant.


RN tog upp en kommentar från Wilbur i ett eget inlägg där han beskriver hur han tänker och äter. Kom på att jag glömt att länka till det tidigare

Around Mother's Day 2013, I weighed about 203 lbs. I am 5'10". I had poor blood lipids for years, not dangerously but borderline needing medical intervention. A bit over the border, but no hurry.

I decided to try low-fat mostly vegan. I like to cook, and I had a lot of fun. It was a challenge. I learned a lot of new things about veggies and how to make them. I lost weight to about 192. In October, I had my bloodwork done, and there was essentially no change. High triglycerides, low HDL, high bad LDL, etc. I told my new doc I was working on my diet, and I was given 6 months to improve. Or I'd go on statins.

I was hypoglycemic. Although it was easy to stay mostly vegan, I still had huge carb cravings. I'd open a bag of Beanitos and a container of hummus, and wouldn't stop until there was just a little left of each. I'd be proud I hadn't eaten it all.

I got interested in Taubes and Atkins, and decided to try low carb. Almost instantly, I dropped to 185'ish. 175 was my goal weight. I stayed at 185 through the holidays, thinking maybe that was my setpoint. I thought that was the best I could do.

But I love beans, potatoes, and other carby stuff. Not cravings per se, but a simple desire to eat them. In my heart, I knew the low carb diet was not for me. Along the way, I had been reading a lot about the benefits of feeding the gut microbiota (and about how beans, lentils, and from this site RS in general was key). Certain fibers improve lipids, reduce inflammation, improve immunity, etc. How probiotics of various types do the same, plus reduce the harms of toxins like heavy metals, modulate the immune system, give luxurious hair, and all kinds of stuff.

Near the end of December, I went for broke. My goal is to take every fiber that studies show provides significant benefits. RS is one. But for me, it is just one piece of the puzzle. My understanding, which might not be correct - something I admit because I still learn lots of new things from tatertot and others - is that RS is like candy for the gut. Good, but the gut needs "more nutritious" stuff too. Understand that I am not just trying to increase butyrate, but also to improve lipids and other things unique to me.

Every day, I take 3+ Tbsp of Potato Starch, but also Flaxseed, Inulin, FOS, Baobab, Larch Arabinogalactan, Beta Glucan, Chitosan, Amla, Yacon Root Powder, Glucomannan, Psyllium (I poo poo'ed this in the past, but reconsidered my stance), Guar Gum, and a bunch I'd have to write down. Plus some I take occasionally, like Wheat Grass and Hemp Seed Powder. Every fiber I take has a story, and I favor the ones that seem most beneficial to me. But the goal is always to improve my gut.

That and I eat lots of veggies. As many as I can. Green stuff, beets, parsnips, green beans, and tons of green onions. At least 3 cloves of raw garlic per day. Beans, lentils, etc. I make barley risotto every Thursday to eat with a fresh fish shipment at the farmers market, and this lasts for several days. Lately I have been eating lots and lots of berries because they are showing up at the markets.

Now I do not count carbs. My only macronutrients concern is that I get lots of good fats. Fats from fish, pastured animals, butter from pastured animals, etc.

In terms of probiotics, I eat miso and kimchi every day. Without fail. I take Prescript Assist and Primal Defense Ultra. Two days ago, I started Primadophilus Reuteri supplements. There are some compelling studies on this.

Anyway, my weight very quickly dropped to about 165lbs, 10 below my target. I weigh every day, and I have weighed 165 +/- 1 for 47 out of the last 49 days, and the 2 others were 163. My blood work is now incredible. All sources of autoimmune problems and inflammation are 100% gone.

The kicker is that now I eat whatever I want. I recently ate a whole pizza. Baked beans with molasses and sugar. I don't eat these a lot, because I think the gut bugs limit me. I can't go crazy. But clearly, for me, carbs are not the enemy. Instead, the gut bugs are my friend. IMHO, the focus on the gut IS the right way to go.

The benefits have been life changing for me. The hypoglycemia is gone. I thought I had it controlled before, but now I see how much it controlled me before. No carb cravings at all. No more 'all but a few Beanitos.'

I have always had seasonal allergies. Gone. Despite many saying this is the worst year in a long time.

Skin problems gone. Joint pain gone. Muscle soreness after workouts gone. Vision improved. Older male issues solved. Kinda freaky really.

About the idea that gut bugs compete for nutrients: I read a Washington Post article that improving the gut improves the absorption of nutrients so that, say, a 35% improvement means that given the same calories, a more efficient gut will lead to a 35% increase in calories. A higher weight all else equal. IMO, however, an increase in efficiency implies fewer calories are needed to provide the required nutrients, and so one consumes less overall. I think an improved gut efficiency in which the bugs are better able to break down nutrients improves the body's access to those nutrients, rather than competing against the body.

I feel like my body is exactly the same day-to-day, with no low energy or high energy days. Just right every day.


NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat

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« Svara #241 skrivet: 2015.01.14 - 06:58:18 »

Wilbur fortsätter i en kommentar hos TaterTot (vegetablepharm.com)

Tim and I had a discussion about how to take the fibers. Some are easy to mix into water, some are thickeners and make bricks out of stuff, etc. I did this not knowing these things, and seemed to have developed tricks for handling them.

I start with a big cup of water, probably 24 oz of water. Cold, because baobab tastes terrible in room temperature water.

First in is the raw potato starch. It sinks to the bottom, and kind of clumps there. Next are the dissolving ones, like inulin, larch arabinogalactan, cellulose, partially hydrolyzed guar gum. GOS, dextrinn, maltodextrin, etc. Then the ones that float go in, like baobab, amla, banana flour, mesquite, etc. Then the ones that gel, like psyllium, glucomannan, etc. I stir it, but realize that the PS on the bottom must be broken up. When it is all stirred, then I chug the entire drink. I usually then add a bit of water to recover the stuff stuck to the sides of the cup.

That's a lot of water, but it seems to be all absorbed by the fiber. In mega-dosing, be sure to honor your thirst. I did not one time, and was punished with hard stools.

NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat

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« Svara #242 skrivet: 2015.01.17 - 09:14:01 »

Tim Steele aka TaterTot har gjort en serie om resistent stärkelse på sin blogg i ett försök att summera ämnet

Del 1 - Mängd
You've maybe clicked on the "Dietary Fiber" tab at the top.  It's kind of messy.  It's the first draft of a project I was working on last year.  Lots of good info and cites linked, but in the last few months I realized that people need more practical advice.

Del 2 - Mat
In Part 2, let's discuss food choices designed around getting as much fermentable/soluble/prebiotic fiber as we can. I've invited three very knowledgeable folks, GabKad, Gemma and Wilbur, to help me write this post.

Del 3 - Tillskott
In Part 3, I'd like to show you what is available for fiber supplementation and give some ways to incorporate a fiber supplement into your diet.  I want this post to be a reference that people stumble across in 2,5,10 years from now when they are looking to buying fiber because their neighbor/doctor/kid told them they 'need more fiber.'

Del 4 - "Uråldrig" vetenskap
So far we've defined fiber and prebiotics, discussed that 20-50g/day of fermentable fibers is a good target, looked into real food and supplemental fiber sources, and also created a bit of confusion.  The topic of "fiber" is anything but simple.  You'll see in this post why so much confusion exists and why we really should pay attention.  The concept of fermentable fibers is very new, though we've relied on them for millions of years..

Del 5 - Framtiden
OK.  I think I'm about ready to wrap this up.  It's pretty obvious by now that there is no "perfect fiber."  They are all pretty good!  The problem always is going to be in determining what we each need on a day-to-day basis to keep our gut microbiome well-fed.  Will real food ever be enough?  Do we need to take a supplement?

NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat

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« Svara #243 skrivet: 2015.05.02 - 09:10:31 »

På Science Daily kom en artikel för några dagar sedan om en studie som visar på förhöjd risk för tarmcancer efter bara två veckor.
Man lät en grupp amerikaner byta diet med en grupp afrikaner.

At the start, when the groups had been eating their normal diets, almost half of the American subjects had polyps -- abnormal growths in the bowel lining that may be harmless but can progress to cancer. None of the Africans had these abnormalities.

After two weeks on the African diet, the American group had significantly less inflammation in the colon and reduced biomarkers of cancer risk. In the African group, measurements indicating cancer risk dramatically increased after two weeks on the western diet.

"The findings suggest that people can substantially lower their risk of colon cancer by eating more fibre. This is not new in itself but what is really surprising is how quickly and dramatically the risk markers can switch in both groups following diet change. These findings also raise serious concerns that the progressive westernization of African communities may lead to the emergence of colon cancer as a major health issue."

The study found that a major reason for the changes in cancer risk was the way in which the bacteria in the gut -- known as the microbiome -- altered their metabolism to adapt to the new diet. In the American group, the researchers found that the African diet led to an increase in the production of butyrate, a byproduct of fibre metabolism that has important anti-cancer effects.


NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat

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« Svara #244 skrivet: 2015.05.02 - 14:30:01 »

Och hur vet man att det var just mer fibrer som hade effekt då? Afrikanerna lär ju ha ätit MINDRE eller inte alls av en massa saker amerikanerna äter också.

Fett är fint! | Marit Paulsen, go home! | Sverige ut ur EU!
Glucose is the energy of life - Robert  Lustig

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« Svara #245 skrivet: 2015.05.02 - 18:54:04 »

Jo visst är det så men å andra sidan är det ju det som är lite grejen.
Ju mer industriprocessad maten är desto mindre fibrer innehåller den

NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat

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« Svara #246 skrivet: 2015.05.02 - 19:08:56 »

Det är ju en massa annat den inte innehåller också och en massa den inte borde innehålla. Så hur kan man vara så säker på att det är just fibrerna som är den viktiga skillnaden?

Fett är fint! | Marit Paulsen, go home! | Sverige ut ur EU!
Glucose is the energy of life - Robert  Lustig
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« Svara #247 skrivet: 2015.05.27 - 16:20:34 »

...Så hur kan man vara så säker på att det är just fibrerna som är den viktiga skillnaden?

De är man inte. De som gjort studien påstår inte att de är säkra på det heller. (Var in och läste den vetenskapliga artikeln som forskningslaget publicerat) Men de föreslår att det kan vara fibrerna och argumenterar(övertygande) för att det skulle vara det. Men att mer forskning behövs för att kunna bekräfta att det faktiskt är så. De föreslår flera andra anledningar till att afrikanerna har mindre tjocktarmscancer. Troligtvis är det en blandning av olika anledningar.

Min personliga övertygelse är att man nog bör äta sina grönsaker/fibrer.  :flirting: Jag tycker att det finns tillräckligt som talar för det. Men man bör veta att det troligtvis inte är "hela bilden". Man kan ju alltid prova själv och se hur man mår av det.

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« Svara #248 skrivet: 2015.07.28 - 20:59:59 »

Jeff Leach på The Human Food Project har skrivit ett nytt inlägg där man jämfört mängden fibrer som olika dieter ger.
Veganer åt helt klart mest och betydligt mer än både och paleo och paleo-lika dieter.

Han fortsätter sen att berätta mer om Hadza-folket och deras fibervanor. Speciellt intressant att läsa om barnen.

Early researchers and travelers working or visiting Hadza Land commented on the large, or distended bellies of many of the Hadza children – often interpreting this as malnutrition. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s a function of fermentation of dietary fiber deep in the bowels of the children. Yes, they eats lots of fiber (but not from “leafy greens” per se). As we’ve started to quantify the fiber intake among the Hadza, I’ve been amazed at the amount of fiber the children consume (still accumulating data). The primary weaning food for Hadza kiddos is Baobab fruit – but maize meal as a weaning food is creeping into more and more families. Mixed with water – and wild honey if available – the concoction of ground Baobab flour (highly fibrous chalky innards and fat-rich nut inside) of the fruit is consumed daily – yes, daily.


NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat

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« Svara #249 skrivet: 2015.09.20 - 10:18:08 »

Jag hittade lite mer info som visar att det är skillnad på olika sorters fibrer

The Australian Paradox
Earlier we said, “don’t confuse resistant starch with dietary fiber.” The Australian Paradox illustrates our point. Nearly 30 years ago, Australia was faced with a crisis—they had one of the highest rates of colorectal (bowel) cancer among all ‘civilized’ nations. When they examined what the average Australian was eating, it was clear that they lacked dietary fiber. The Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Australian federal government agency for scientific research, began a systematic approach to increasing the fiber intakes of Australians. Through research, advertising, and training Australians now eat more fiber per capita than any other Western nation...and they also still have the highest rate of bowel cancer. Clearly something is wrong! This seeming mismatch has been termed, “The Australian Paradox.” A high fiber diet should lead to reduced risk of colorectal cancer, not increased.

Rural Native Africans eating a very basic diet high in resistant starch and low in dietary fiber have a colorectal cancer rate of less than 1 in 10,000. Australians eating a diet low in RS and high in dietary fiber have a colorectal cancer rate of 1 in 12.

As you can imagine, CSIRO is shifting their focus from dietary fiber to resistant starch. They have issued a recommendation of 20 grams of RS per day, the first such recommendation in the world, and have begun numerous partnerships with food producers to increase RS in the food supply. While RS may not be the ultimate solution to the Australian Paradox, emulating a diet where colorectal cancer is nearly unheard of is a good star/blog-page_31.html[/url]

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« Svara #250 skrivet: 2015.09.20 - 11:28:01 »

Länken åts visst upp

 :puke1: http://vegetablepharm.blogspot.se/p/blog-page_31.html

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« Svara #251 skrivet: 2015.09.20 - 13:19:31 »

Hur mycket kall potatis måste man äta för att komma upp i 20 g?

Intressant. Men man kan ju anta att detta inte är det enda som skiljer mellan australiensare och "lantliga afrikaner" i levnadsvanor och miljö. Känns det inte lite som man sökt och hittat en folkgrupp som stämmer på tesen man redan hade?

Fett är fint! | Marit Paulsen, go home! | Sverige ut ur EU!
Glucose is the energy of life - Robert  Lustig

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« Svara #252 skrivet: 2015.09.20 - 19:24:40 »

Ingen aning om hur mycket RS kall potatis innehåller.
Men hittade lite info hos Tater Tot

Here's a breakdown on what happens to RS in a regular, tennis-ball sized, potato:
Raw - contains about 30g of RS
Cooked - 1g
Cooked and cooled - 3g
Cooked, cooled, reheated - 5g
Cooked, cooled, reheated, re-cooled - 6g

Det är säkert mer som skiljer de två grupperna åt. Om jag skulle gissa skulle jag säga att ett exempel är totalt antal kalorier per dag.
Jag har inte lyckats hitta nån bra källa för total mängd fiber i världen men Tater Tot har en liten lista över RS

How much do we eat? What about everyone else?
As worldwide cancer and disease rates climb, researchers have been examining the diets of different populations. One thing modern civilizations have in common is their distinct lack of RS. In 2004, the AOAC conducted a survey and found the worldwide consumption of RS was 7 grams per day, with the United States and western European countries on the lower end and less developed countries at the higher end.
Sweden - 3.2g
United States - 4.9g
Australia - 5.3g
Italy- 8.5g
China - 14.9g

NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat

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« Svara #253 skrivet: 2015.09.20 - 23:35:46 »

Men vad konstigt! Innehåller uppvärmd potatis mer rs än om man bara kyler den och äter den så? Hur fasiken kan det komma sig?

Fett är fint! | Marit Paulsen, go home! | Sverige ut ur EU!
Glucose is the energy of life - Robert  Lustig

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« Svara #254 skrivet: 2015.09.21 - 06:59:30 »

Men vad konstigt! Innehåller uppvärmd potatis mer rs än om man bara kyler den och äter den så? Hur fasiken kan det komma sig?

Ja de gjorde ett experiment på pasta i ett av det där Michael Mosley programmen och det förvånade även forskarna.
De hade ingen bra förklaring till det vad jag kommer ihåg.

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