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Hälsa => Kost och hälsa => Ämnet startat av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.02.09 - 07:03:47

Titel: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.02.09 - 07:03:47
Tips från Matt Stone om en fri Kindlebok på amazon.
Beskrivningen är väldigt amerikansk men det kan man väl överse med när den inte kostar något.
http://amzn.to/1FnK1ze (http://amzn.to/1FnK1ze)

Does a High Carb Diet Make You Fat, Hungry, and Lazy?

The answer may surprise you, but the science says no! The truth is that people can be healthy and lean eating a huge variety of diets. This should tell you that the answer to better health and fat loss isn’t found in cutting one specific macronutrient from your diet, like many low-carb gurus would have you believe. So then why has the Paleo diet gotten so much attention lately? Surely some of the claims about carbs, sugar, and insulin must be true, right?

Does being a “Fat Burner” Give you Incredible Energy and Melt Off Bodyfat?

Low-carbers would have you believe that all of our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate low-carb diets and that being a “fat burner” (instead of a “sugar burner”) leads to all sorts of magical effects like, boundless energy, superhuman athletic performance, better health--all while it melts off your bodyfat almost overnight. Yet, there’s simply no evidence that low-carb diets were standard fare for our hunter-gatherer ancestors--there are countless tribes who ate huge amounts of carbohydrates and were perfectly lean and healthy. The studies are clear that in general, athletes on low-carb diets perform worse, not better. And there is a huge difference between being a “fat burner” and actually burning off your bodyfat. (They aren’t the same thing, so don’t get confused and be scammed out of your money by falling for this gimmick!). In reality, the science shows all of these claims around being a “fat burner” to be nothing more than a bunch of pseudoscientific myths.

Move Beyond the Battle of the Macronutrients…

…and into the new era of health and fat loss! In The Low Carb Myth by Ari Whitten and Dr. Wade Smith, MD, you’ll learn the truth about low-carb diets and what you really need to be doing to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. You’ll learn…
•   The secret that’s really driving the obesity epidemic (it’s not carbs OR fat)
•   The secret that’s really driving the diabetes epidemic—it’s not sugar or carbs!
•   How to break free of carb myths and pseudoscience, and eat carbs again!
•   The secret factors that really control your fat loss destiny (No, it's not the carb to fat ratio of your diet)
•   How to finally have better health and a leaner body (without the crazy and unsustainable diets!)

Most importantly, they will show you how to put carbs back on your plate while still slashing body fat.

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2015.02.09 - 15:27:55
Bara kastat två ögon i den, men den verkar innehålla många sanningar som i sin tur behöver lite "debunking". Vad sägs om det här?

Of all the patients and colleagues I have observed on low-carb diets, the only ones who could stay relatively low carb were those with sedentary lives. And most of these “supplemented” with high-carb alcohol and “cheat days.”

Stilmässigt verkar den faktiskt fullt läsbar, blev t.o.m. lite nyfiken.

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.02.12 - 07:04:05
Matt Stone ger ytterligare tips om gratis bok.
Joey Lott har skrivit en bok "The Problem with Paleo"

http://amzn.to/1Ad3tA2 (http://amzn.to/1Ad3tA2)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2015.02.12 - 07:20:17
Får köpa en ny extern hårddisk snart.  :biggrin1:

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.02.22 - 20:50:33
Mer tips från Matt Stone. Josh och Jeannes nya bok The Female Body Blueprint är gratis ett par dagar på amazon.
http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Lts4M&m=3eMzDwjQQRTYMdC&b=gc.g_.omP7lQYWYCMQP2dQ (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Lts4M&m=3eMzDwjQQRTYMdC&b=gc.g_.omP7lQYWYCMQP2dQ)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2015.02.22 - 21:24:01
Tackar. Inte för jag vet vilka de är, men sköldkörteln är ju intressant.

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.02.23 - 07:11:20
http://eastwesthealing.com (http://eastwesthealing.com)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.03.04 - 20:14:39
Joey Lotts bok är gratis just nu på Amazon
Big Fat Lies: The Truth about Obesity, Disease and Health

http://amzn.to/1AGd3oO (http://amzn.to/1AGd3oO)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.03.04 - 20:32:31
En Chris Sandel har skrivit en bok som heter The Health Trap: Why "Healthy" Eating Isn't Always Healthy
Vet inget om författare sen tidigare och jag har inte läst boken än.

http://www.amazon.com/Health-Trap-Healthy-Eating-Always-ebook/dp/B00SICL6FA/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 (http://www.amazon.com/Health-Trap-Healthy-Eating-Always-ebook/dp/B00SICL6FA/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2015.03.05 - 04:04:44
Tackar! :smooch:

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.04.16 - 06:54:00
Ytterligare tips om gratisbok från Matt Stones nyhetsbrev

The Perfection Myth: How to Break Free From the Dogmatic Chains of Health and Dieting

Free Your Mind From Food Obsession

Do you find yourself trapped in an endless series of diets, never really feeling satisfied with your body or your life? Do you think about food constantly? Do you believe that if you just find the perfect diet, then the rest of your life will fall into place? Unfortunately for women today, these questions are all too common. We live in a weight- and image-obsessed world. But what if you could be free from all that? What if you could finally find happiness with yourself, your body, and your food?

Diets Are Not the Answer!

Life doesn’t begin when you lose the “last ten pounds” or finally fit into the same size dress you wore in college. The answer is not another diet or exercise program. The answer is not deprivation or counting calories or weighing your food or creating meal plans. All the things you’ve tried in the past haven’t worked…what you need is a radical new solution that leaves you loving your life more, not waiting for the sacrifices to be over.

Eat What You Want and Love Your Life

Meet Madelyn Moon. A competitive bodybuilder turned food freedom advocate, Moon encourages readers to ditch the diets and finally live their lives to the fullest. In her latest book, The Perfection Myth, you’ll get a glimpse of what it’s like to live in this new world of food freedom—without gaining weight—and learn how to do it for yourself. You’ll learn Moon’s 15 principles for sane eating that don’t involve calories, carbs, scales, or restrictions. Get in touch with what your body truly craves and find yourself shedding pounds with ease. Discover yourself, create unconditional body respect, and finally find food freedom.

http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Lts4M&m=3dU6v7MzbNTYMdC&b=PVhKa1EmRXxTjWpRbwFFPQ (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Lts4M&m=3dU6v7MzbNTYMdC&b=PVhKa1EmRXxTjWpRbwFFPQ)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2015.04.16 - 13:02:57
Thank you kindly, ma'am. :tasty:

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.05.21 - 18:57:35
Nytt tips från Matt Stone om gratis bok.
Scott från Evil Sugar Radio har skrivit boken Processed in America
Kill Your Diet Before It Kills You
That’s where Scott Kustes comes in. A former paleo “diet loon,” Kustes has dug deep into the American health obsession in Processed in America, the first book in his Kill Your Diet series. This series of books takes a good hard look at the world of dieting, the ways that it's become mainstream, and the reasons that you should Kill Your Diet and start to live a healthy life without constant concerns. Break down the arguments and look at all of the ways that the cult of wellness is constantly picking at you, keeping you in a state of constant concern about your health. Finally learn how to leave behind the diet culture to be happy and healthy without spending your time worrying about it.

http://amzn.to/1FqsJ5m (http://amzn.to/1FqsJ5m)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2015.05.21 - 22:23:53

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.05.30 - 09:16:35
Joey Lott har en ny gratis bok - Fat from Fiction: A Critical Look at Dietary Fats and Why You Should Ditch the Health Gurus and Listen to Your Body
Are You Afraid of Fat?
Or are you a fat-worshipper? Should we eat less fat to protect our hearts? Should we eat a ketogenic diet (or become “fat-adapted”)? Is the Weston A. Price foundation right when it says saturated fat is healthy? Should we take fish oil, the most popular supplement in North America, or is it a deadly poison? Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, saturated, hydrogenated—what’s the deal with all these fats? Which ones should we eat, and which ones should we give up?

Has Our Fear of Fat Been Misplaced?
Welcome to the fat wars. For the past sixty years, we’ve been embroiled in a nutrition battle that doesn’t seem close to ending. Official groups—like the American Heart Association and the USDA—have taken a stance against fat, telling us it will lead to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, but is this really true? Things have changed a bit in recent years with the paleo diet gaining momentum, but we still have diehards who think fat-free is the way to be. So who’s right? Who’s wrong? What should you put on your plate? What’s the truth about fat? And, for the love of god, what should you be eating?

Does Your Body Want Butter?
In his typical fashion, author Joey Lott digs into the hard facts in Fat from Fiction, going straight to the research on the f word—fat. By the end, you’ll know all the ins and outs of vegetable oils, fish oil, saturated fat, low fat, and high fat. Get the scoop on the revered omega 3s and the feared omega 6s. Find out if saturated fat is a sin and if polyunsaturated fats are really our saviors. And last but not least, finally shut up the dietary dictator in your head and get in touch with the greatest health authority around—your own body.
http://amzn.to/1EFv60h (http://amzn.to/1EFv60h)

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2015.05.30 - 15:04:31
Vet inte vem han är, men det låter ju intressant! Är han trovärdig eller ännu en knäppgök?

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.05.30 - 15:06:35
Han har skrivit en massa småböcker som Matt Stone gjort reklam för så det skulle förvåna mig om du inte har någon nedladdad tidigare

Titel: SV: Gratis bok - The Low Carb Myth
Skrivet av: Subcalva skrivet 2015.09.04 - 20:43:33
Matt Stone tipsar om gratis bok av en Scott Kustes "Thou Shalt Not Eat: How Diet Gurus and the Media Use Bad Science to Make You Fat, Fearful, and Coming Back for More (Kill Your Diet Book 2)"

http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Lts4M&m=3YwYoTyXYVTYMdC&b=mBVyFaVIqa5DCMKrMSFLvQ (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Lts4M&m=3YwYoTyXYVTYMdC&b=mBVyFaVIqa5DCMKrMSFLvQ)