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fett är fint!


Vi har förstått att kostråden är alldeles galna. För mycket kolhydrater och för lite naturligt fett gör oss sjuka. Gifter och tillsatser gör oss sjukare.
Vi vill äta naturlig, näringsrik och opåverkad mat.

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Författare Ämne: Eat More to Lose Weight  (läst 39066 gånger)
0 Medlemmar och 1 gäst tittar på detta ämne.

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« Svara #60 skrivet: 2013.04.21 - 10:57:21 »

Jo men det tror jag på. Jag är redan sissoniserad. Det är ju många som säger samma sak också.

Fett är fint! | Marit Paulsen, go home! | Sverige ut ur EU!
Glucose is the energy of life - Robert  Lustig

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« Svara #61 skrivet: 2013.04.22 - 23:10:51 »

Läste i Illustrerad Vetenskap att man blir intelligentare om man tränar kondition.
Enbart muskelövningar ; no,no 

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« Svara #62 skrivet: 2013.04.28 - 21:17:54 »

GoKaleos mat- och kalorifilosofi har hon sammanfattat här:

If you’re at a healthy weight and your goal is body recomposition, you need to eat AT LEAST as many calories as your body burns, preferably a little bit more. Your body needs raw materials to build muscle, and if it’s using all the calories you eat to fuel your activity there will not be any left to build muscle with. If you’re undereating at a healthy weight, your body will do whatever it can to burn fewer calories, so will slow down your metabolic processes and start burning muscle for fuel, because muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat. If you’re undereating, that muscle is taking up energy (calories) that your body would rather use to fuel your heartbeat and brain activity.
If you’re obese or overweight, you need to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. Not too many more, I generally recommend keeping a 500 calorie deficit to keep your metabolism healthy. Alternately, you can use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories your body will need to maintain your goal weight (including your activity), and eat that many calories. Your body will take care of the rest (that’s how I did it). If you keep your deficit relatively small and lift weights and get regular exercise, your body will tag your muscles as ‘in use’ and preserve them, burning stored fat to make up the deficit in energy in vs energy out. If you’re sedentary, your body will burn lean mass as well as fat to make up for that deficit.

NOLM - Näringstät Oprocessad gärna Lokalt odlad Mat
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