Fetbobbas Forum

Infosektionen => Aktuellt just nu => Ämnet startat av: hemul skrivet 2012.04.18 - 16:23:13

Titel: Tvätta (internet-)molnen! Skiv på!
Skrivet av: hemul skrivet 2012.04.18 - 16:23:13
We just released a new report that details the shocking truth about how much coal goes into the "cloud" where we store our electronic data.

Giant data centres which store and send the terabytes of pictures, emails, songs and streaming videos we enjoy every day are now one of the fastest growing sources of new electricity demand in the world. Every day, tons of asthma-inducing, climate destroying coal pollution is thrown in the air to keep the Internet humming.

But there’s hope! The tech industry is led by a few very large companies who can choose to quit the coal habit. Thanks to you, Facebook already has. So today, we’re kicking off our campaign to see Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple -- three of the largest owners of data centres in the world -- make the switch. You can help us get their attention by being one of 100,000 people to write a message in the next 48 hours.

Click here to send a quick note to the CEOs of Microsoft, Amazon and Apple, asking them to quit coal.
